, pub-1642391381666085, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Animals In Love

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Fun-Tastic Creatures of Nature

Fun-Tastic Creatures of Nature

These thin fish belong in the same family as sea horses and sea dragons. They are much cuter, though, probably due to their nose-like snouts. Most live in salt water, but a few live in fresh water. Like sea horses, the male carries his partner’s eggs for quite some time.
Fun Fact: The love life of these fish is pretty varied. Some species mate for life, some mate with several different partners, and some female members of various species mate with multiple partners at the same time.

These small Insectivores are covered in fur which hides most of their features… which is what makes them so adorable. The European Mole spends most of its life underground, digging tunnels and eating insects. They are well known for their poor eyesight, which isn’t really needed underground. They may be cute, but they can cause problems for an unlucky gardener or farmer, as the Mole’s burrowing can damage crops and plants. Not to be confused with the rather ugly Star-nosed Mole.
Fun Fact: You can’t kill moles in Germany without a permit

Not the fruit – the bird! These puffy birds native to New Zealand are one of the thickest feathered birds around! The bird’s wings have been reduced to stubs over time, rendering them flightless, but they make up for that with their extraordinary sense of smell. They have a varied diet, consisting of insects, worms, leaves, and berries. There are five recognized species, all of which are endangered.
Fun Fact: Kiwi’s lay huge eggs for their size: up to 20% of their body weight. That would be like a 150 pound woman giving birth to a 30 pound baby.

At first, you might think this animal is a giant ball of fluff, but there really is a rabbit in there. These large rabbits were bred specifically for the fluffiness. There are four recognized breeds, as well as several unrecognized breeds. They range from WTF fluffy (English), pretty fluffy (French, Satin) to large, but not super fluffy (Giant).
Fun Fact: Just in case you didn’t realize how fuzzy these guys are, you can actually buy clothes and yarn made entirely of Angora rabbit fur (with no harm done to the animal).

These guys are quite cute at first, but once you startle them, you just want to poke them. This Family of fish (I couldn’t choose just one) is able to swallow water (or even air) quickly, so much so that they become spherical, scaring off predators. This often saves both of their lives, since most puffer fish species are poisonous. You should be safe as long as you don’t eat it, with proper preparation, it can be served as a dish (see Top 10 Poisonous Foods We Love To Eat – item 9). Not to be mistaken for their cousins, the porcupine fish (they are two separate families).
Fun Fact: Puffer fish have the smallest genomes in the vertebrate world.
Just paying the bills...

These mammals are the most adorable members the family Erinaceidae (mostly hedgehogs), even though it is filled with cute critters. You probably have seen one of these before or at least know how they look like. They are vaguely rodent-like mammals that have many small spines on their back. They can roll into a ball to protect themselves. This particular hedgehog has been domesticated, so you can have one for a pet without too much trouble.
Fun Fact: Be sure to check your local laws before buying a hedgehog. Some places require you to have a permit, while others (such as the states of California and Hawaii) completely ban them as pets.

These little rodents are even more adorable than their bigger cousins. There are three species, but my favorite is Campbell’s dwarf hamster. These creatures come from the steppes of China and Russia. They are sold as pets in just about every pet store. Chinese hamsters are also adorable and sometimes called dwarf hamsters, although they are not in the same Genus.
Fun Fact: Personally, I had a bad experience with these guys. When my family bought two dwarf hamsters, the store owner said we bought two females. We believed them, even when one of them started to get fat. Then she gave birth to a litter of nine little hamsters. We removed the male, just in case, but all the rest died off, some of which were caused by the mother. It’s sad.

Now we’re getting to the hardcore stuff. These “sea cows” are really beefy, but really cute. So cute you want to hug it. Unlike whales and dolphins, manatees are herbivorous. Not surprisingly, they are related to elephants. They are endangered, partly due to a vicious, unnatural predator: the boat propeller.
Fun Fact: Manatee’s have vestigial (useless) toe nails on their flippers.

Most caterpillars are icky… except for these guys. This cute caterpillar is the larva form of the Isabella tiger moth. They eat a variety of plants, including certain ones that they eat to fight back against certain parasites. They may be furry, but don’t pet them without gloves, or else you might get a rash.
Fun Fact: Do you LOVE woolly bears? Then go to the annual Woollybear Festival in Vermilion, Ohio. The main event is a huge woolly bear dress up competition. It takes place in mid-September.

These things are amazingly adorable! The only member of the Cyclopedidae family (their scientific name is Cyclopes didactylus); these guys are a lot like the other anteaters, only they’re smaller and live in the trees. They also have a prehensile tail (like an opossum). Obviously, it is extremely cute, but watch out for their sharp claws.
Fun Fact: Why are silky anteaters goldish? It might be because they blend well with the seed pods of the silk cotton trees, where they usually hang around by.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Lion Jumped Too High To Catch The Meat

Lion Jumped Too High To Catch The Meat

Which May Be Risky For Visitors

Delhi Zoo Mein Aadmi Sher Ke Baade Mein Utra

Delhi Zoo Mein Aadmi 
Sher Ke Baade Mein Utra 

Sher Uske Saath Khelta Rahaa Aur Wo Aadmi Darta Rahaa 
Haath-Paanyo Jodta Rahaa

Dekhne Waale Sher Ko Bhagaane Ke Liye Patthar Fenke Lage
Aur Sher Us Aadmi Ko Apne Saath Le Ke Bhaag Gayaa
Is Tarah Us Aadmi Ki Maut Ho Gayi

Langoor Ne 2 Sher Ke Saath Liye Maze

Langoor Ne 2 Sher Ke Saath Liye Maze

Dekhoge To Dekhte Rah Jaayoge 

Kaise Panga Le Rahaa Hai

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Ten Spectacular Flightless Birds

There are many species of Birds, but these ones in the List are most Vulnerable to harm because they cannot fly to escape danger.
All of the Birds that Live in this World are Beautiful, but these Birds are even More Unique because of their Inability To Fly.

1. Takahe Bird

This bird is only found in New Zealand and is considered to be an endangered specie of any living flightless birds under rail family. Its been assumed to be extinct before but after a very long search, some takahe birds were found near Lake Te Anau in the Murchison mountain. its overall length is up to 63 cm (24.8 in). It is a stocky bird, with reduced wings, strong legs and a massive bill. At present, there are 225 remaining Takahe birds in its habitat and is being carefully bred to prevent extinction. The only problem is the slow maturity and the low fertility of mature Takahe bird.

2. Penguin

A penguin cannot fly but is a very good swimmer because it can flap its arms rapidly. Its kind lives only in the Southern hemisphere, it is because of the cold temperature there. There about 20 species of penguins but is still debated until now. The largest living species is the Emperor Penguin, while the smallest is the Little Blue Penguin. Penguins usually feed on fishes, squids and other small sea preys they could find while swimming underwater.

3. Kiwi

This bird is endemic to New Zealand and is used as the national symbol of the country. This flightless bird is considered to be the smallest among the ratites. There are about 5 species of this kind of bird. Kiwis are very shy and nocturnal that is why they are vulnerable to predators, but ever since people built sanctuaries for them, they can already be seen in daylight. They have a very sharp sense of smell, and they are a very unusual kind of bird having nostrils at the end of their bills.

4. Cassowary

This is knwon to be the second largest flightless birds next to ostrich. They are fed mainly on fruits and other plants that edible. Its species is also part of the ratite and has only three accepted today: Southern Cassowary, Dwarf Cassowary, Northern Cassowary. They are a very kind of bird but once disturbed would be a very dangerous bird as listed by the Guinness. Although Cassowary birds are already becoming extinct.

5. Ostrich

This is known as the lasrgest flightless bird and it is the only specie that lives of its family. I know that most of us already know this fact but its egg is even larger than its brain that is why this kind of bird is known to do crazy things. An ostrich can run as fast as 46 miles per hour and is considered to be the faster bird runner on land. There is nothing to be worried about with this species because they are not even close to being endangered.

6. Rhea Birds

This specie belongs to the flightless ratite birds and is native to South America. Among any other flightless birds, it has large wings that are spread when this bird is running. It has two species; the American Rhea and the Darwin’s Rhea. This bird reach up to 6 months until it become mature but does not go into breeding until it reach the age of 2 years old.

7. Kakapo

If we are going to examine the fosils of the Kakapo in the entire country of New Zealand, it would seem that it is the most common bird before. The species of this bird are already becoming extinct that is why many conservation plans have been made to prevent this bird to get extinct. According to statistics, the number Kakapo birds significanly increased. They are nocturnal, that’s why the meaning of their name is “night owl”. This bird is also named as parrot owl because of its features.

8. Emu

This bird is the largest native bird of Australia is the only extant member of genus Dromaius. This bird reaches up to 2 m (6.5 ft) in height, and is common to mainland Australia. Almost the same as the ostrich, it can run up to the maximum speed of 30 miled per hour. It is not yet becoming extinct nor is it near of becoming endagnered. It is because of its environment that makes it sake frm any harm. There are about three extant specie in Australia.

9. Galapagos Cormorant

The name itself would suggest that it is a native in the Galapagos Island. Among any other cormorants, this is the only specie that has lost the ability to fly, it could be because this bird has adopted life on the land and water. This bird has an estimated 1500 embers left on the wild that is why many groups try to have active conservation program to save the lives of the remaining flightless cormorant. It normally feeds on fishes, eels, small octopus, and other small sea creatures. This bird is considered to be the largest among its extant species. Reproduction of its bird starts on the coldest months like July to October when there is an abundant food.

10. Dodo

The dodo is an extinct, flightless bird that lived on an island in the Indian Ocean near Mauritius. The species lost the ability to fly presumably because food on Mauritius was abundant and mammalian predators were absent. It is genetically related to pigeons and doves, and its closest relative is the likewise extinct Rodrigues Solitaire. The Dodo was about one metre (3.3 feet) tall and weighed about 20 kilograms (44 lb). Its appearance is evidenced only by paintings and written accounts from the 17th century. Because these vary considerably, and only a few sketches are known to have been drawn from life, its exact appearance remains a mystery. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Birds Also Have a Brain and Feelings

Millions of People Cried after watching these Pictures in Several Countries.
It is said that the Photographer sold these Pictures for a "Very Nominal Fee" to the Most Famous Newspaper in France.
All copies of that Newspaper were sold out on the day these pictures were Published.

Here his wife is injured and the condition is fatal.
She was hit by a car as she swooped low across the road.

Here he brought her food and attended to her with love and compassion.

He brought her food again but was shocked to find her dead.
He tried to move her….a rarely-seen effort for swallows!

Aware that his sweetheart is dead and will never come back to him again.
He cries with adoring love.

He stood beside her, saddened of her death.

Finally aware that she would never return to him.
He stood beside her body with sadness and sorrow.
And many people think animals don’t have a brain or feelings?